Monday, August 8, 2011

Single Bite: Fashionista Farmer

Kenneth Cole Slaw, Santa Fe, New Mexico

While ogling this color-coordinated cruciferous display at the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market last summer, I wondered what it would look like if every stall at the market made a fashion statement. Would Kenneth Cole Slaw be vying with Dolce & Garbanzo for the most eye-catching ensemble? Who would be the Prada of produce for the fall season? Hmmm. I feel a reality show coming on. And don't try to steal my idea, Heidi Klum. It's right here in cyberprint. Lentil Breakdown thought of Project Fashionista Farmer first.


  1. I love this Kenneth Coleslaw; as usual you'r brilliant!

  2. I'm not too sure about that. I'm a farmer (kind of, if horse farming counts), and I really have absolutely no fashion sense at all and neither do any of my farmer friends. It might get really ugly....

  3. RMW: All you need is a colorful tablecloth. : )

  4. Kenneth Coleslaw is great. As always very clever.

  5. I think you need to talk to Lucy about this ... I see another "reality TV food show" in your future.....

  6. The red cabbage is actually a beautiful plant. The first year I grew some - amazing. The next year - attack of the aphids. This year - not growing red cabbage.

  7. Kalevin Klein, Ralph Laurel, Kate Spud, Old Navybean, Romanohlo, Timcucumberland, and Burberry jam are already signing up!

  8. Made me laugh this morning while I had my first cup of coffee:) And I so need something to make me laugh these days. I never tire of your witty ways with words:)

  9. What a great way to start the day. Now I better head to the fridge and decide what I want to wear today... GREG

  10. You made me laugh out loud, as usual. Keep it up.
