Can I get a high five? If you can't muster the strength, I'll understand. This little blog has had plenty of days like that over the past few years. Okay, most days. But think of it as the Energizer Lentil. Still going. Sure, it's down to a sputter, but it still has a little get-up-and-go. Then when lentils are involved, you usually have to get up and go.
What's changed over the last five years? After discovering several food intolerances and radically altering my diet, I've become more focused on health and the state of our food supply. That's why I ask the hard questions like, "If 'natural flavor' is so natural, why doesn't it go by its real name?"
So in honor of the leguminous occasion, I thought I'd share a couple of top five lists. Some of the results are surprising. If you missed these posts the first time around, don't worry. There's no expiration date. In fact, if they taste funny, it means they've aged well.
Lentil Breakdown's Top 5 Posts by Page Views
Top 5 Posts by Number of Comments
Thanks for coming, and as long as I'm still going, I hope you'll be here for my next Lentil Breakdown.
Related Links:
My Therapy Session with Dr. Sigmund Food (the Intervention)