Thursday, March 31, 2011

Single Bite: Bag Monster

Don't Feed the Bag Monster, Santa Fe, New Mexico

When I was at the Santa Fe Farmers' Market last summer, I was instantly drawn to this Bag Monster (Andy Keller, the inventor of the ChicoBag™). He was in town on a nationwide tour as a spokesmonster for the anti-plastic bag movement. The Bag Monster® costume is decked out with 500 plastic bags—the average amount an American uses in one year. I don’t know how he goes to the bathroom in that monstrosity, but hey, it’s plastic.


  1. Love this!!! That is one happy Bag Monster. But don't love that we each use an average of 500 bags a year - scary.

  2. You should have asked him! He looks like he is waiting for a Hollywood opportunity! :)

  3. That would make for one memorable Halloween costume with a message! ;)

  4. LOL! I'd never heard of the Bag Monster before. Good for him :)

  5. Thoughtful blog, thanks for sharing
